Arduino Uno Starter Kit Manual Pdf
Lets build a Bluetooth WiFi controlled FPV Drone RoverBot is a highly educational Arduino based ATVdrone. Its simple to make, easy to program and is a great. AD9. 85. 0 DDS VFO AD7. CI was browsing e. Bay one day and I ran across a posting for the Analog Devices AD9. The AD9. 85. 0 is a chip that can produce a sinusoidal wave from about 1hz to 4. Somehow the electronics dealers in Hong Kong have been able to mate the chip to a small board that provides TTL level control and then sell it for an unbelievable 8 or less. I know a few people have paid as little as 4 USD for them. To control the AD9. Without going into too much detail you are required to send a set of serial or parallel data to the chip to set the frequency. There are numerous postings on the web detailing exactly how to do this so I wont go into too much detail. However it has been hard to find a good AD9. Pinout so here you go. D0 D7 Parallel programming bits. GND Ground obvious Vss. CLK Serial programming clock. Latch Serial programming latch FQUD pin on 9. MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/eRUAAOSwPe1T32R2/$_1.JPG' alt='Arduino Uno Starter Kit Manual Pdf' title='Arduino Uno Starter Kit Manual Pdf' />DATA Serial programming DATA internally tied to D7RST Reset. Keep tied to GNDSQW Square wave outputs complementary Duty cycle adjustable with blue pot. SINA Raw unfiltered AD9. SINB 7. 0 MHz LPF filtered AD9. For me, the easiest way to manage the AD9. Arduino Uno. If you dont know about the Arduino platform you should check out the official site at www. I have been playing with the Arduino for only a couple of months and I already have found it to be a fantastic development platform. If you are a hobbyist tinkerer you really cant go wrong with one. I have paired may AD9. Tenses In English Grammar Pdf And Word here. Q009151006-1.jpg' alt='Arduino Uno Starter Kit Manual Pdf' title='Arduino Uno Starter Kit Manual Pdf' />Arduino Uno, LCD display, Rotary encoder, and a few other small parts and have put together a very descent DDS VFO capable of any frequency between 1mhz and 3. It will go to 4. 0 if you wish. A little quick work with a protoboard and I have a nice working VFO. You can watch my video on You. Tube showing how it works. I also have another video of the VFO attached to my oscilloscope. This project is ongoing. You should be able to deduce the pin outs on all items from the Arduino Sketch but if you have questions just contact me. My schematic is a little rough as I do not tend to create them that often so let me know if you catch anything out of place Because of a lot of requests I have also created a version for IF superhet type receivers. Speed Attack Hack Aion. The VFO now supports an Intermediate Frequency and can switch upon the HILOW level of one analog input on the Arduino. The IF can be anything you wish and can be additive or subtractive. UPDATE November, 2. I have updated the sketch to write the last tuned frequency to memory and recall it upon boot up. Give your home a festive look feel with a touch of Christmas magic from Maplin. Shop the latest tech, great value gifts and more. This is a 1. 00 direct drop in replacement and requires you to only upload the new sketch. The code is well documented and for those of you who modified my original sketch it should be easy enough to adapt as you see fit. Both Arduino sketchs IF and NON IF, schematic, libraries, and notes are available for download here. Also, Jiri OK1. DXK create a great drawing aka schematic if you wish to use an Arduino Nano. If you build something from my design please send me a picture or a video of your creation. I love to see what others do Or you can also send a donation via paypal to rvisokeyyahoo. My registered Pay.